Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Ucas is don. Jonathan has applied for University... Economics and Politics at LSE, same at SOAS. Economics and Chinese, also at Soas. Then some back ups within the same area at Warwick, St. Andrews and Edinburgh. Hope all goes well...


Sunday, October 22, 2006

animal market

So today was a good day. We started out being lazy but got our act together. We randomly picked a place to go to and ended up chosing the Animal Parket. At first we were a bit worried it would be a meat market, you do hear scary stories about animal rights, but our suspicions were pacified as we entered the area and saw old men socialising with their birds and playing Chinese chess. There were birds, dogs, cats, fish, lizzards, scorpions spiders; one vendor even invited us into his shop and showed us a python he took from a bag of snakes hidden behind a painting *cough* suspicious *cough*. All in all a very good day...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Så åkte vi till IKEA

- Pepparkakor
- Dajm
- Gott & blandat
- Knäckebröd
- Dumle
som vi gav bort i födelsedagspresent

- 2 påsar Dillchips
- Krukväxt (Adam)
- Sopborste+skyffel
- mer Gott & blandat (jonathan)
som behölls och som pryder våra bokhyllor (sopborsten också).


Saturday, October 14, 2006

Ignorance isnt always bliss

Jonathan: So why does it say that all these buidings (at the summer Palace) were burnt down by the Anglo-French Alliance?

Tour guide: Well you know, the Opium Wars....

J: Oh, right. They actually burnt everything down?

T: Well China was selling a lot of top quality goods to the West, but not buying anything. The west wanted to fix this inequality and tried to sell drugs to the poor chinese people.

J: Mmmm

T: And we didnt want to buy their drugs... so they invaded us!

J: *cough* what?

T: Yes England invaded us...

J: Right

T: And, also, there was this french priest who was trying to spread Christinanity and he broke some law, and we tried to punish him, but the french didnt like that... so they invaded us!

J: Oh right... *rolling eyes*

T: You are from Sweden right, you didnt invade us did you?


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Wo de laoshi

Min lärare, Mrs Hú. En av tre lärare jag har, men den enda vi har varje dag.

Idag illustrerade hon hur man säger vilken byggnad och vilket rum man bor i genom en teckning. En manlig och kvinnlig streckgubbe står bredvid byggnad 12. "Shankou", sa hon och pekade på min bänkgranne och på streckgubben, "hot girl" och pekade på den andra. "Shankou vill få med sig hot girl hem, han säger vilken byggnad och vilket rum han bor i på kinesiska". Pedagogik på hög hög nivå. Tidigare lärde hon oss det gamla kommunistiska ordet för kamrat (Tongshi) och hur lätt det är att missta det för Tongzhi (homosexuell). Nuförtiden, sa hon, används det andra ordet oftare.
Mrs. Hús favorit från Vänner är Janice.


Monday, October 09, 2006

Materiell glädje

Den bästa överraskningen med vårt rum var inte TVn, det var vattenkokaren (egentligen var det minikylen, men arbeta med mig). Inte bara till för att koka vatten till té och till budgetnudlar, jag har börjar sätta igång den utan att egentligen vilja ha vattnet till något, bara för ljudet av kokande vatten och ångan som fyller rummet och dödar den torra Beijingluften. Mysfaktorn stiger exponentiellt medan vattnet kokar bort.

Vattenkokare är helt enkelt budgetversionen av öppen spis. Till jul kommer jag aldrig stänga av den.


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Bildt & co

So i finally get around to reading about the new government. I cant say im dissapointed. Reinfeldt is impressive. Snyggt att han utnämde Bildt til Utrikes minister, trodde verkligen att lila Lejonet skulle få jobbet (would just have been another reason to stay out of Sweden an dmaybe become danish). Bildt e ju den enda som kan toppa Elliasson, undrar vad han ska göra nu...*drömmer* wish i had his CV.... Oh! I heard that 3 sossar applied for tbe ambassador posting in Norway, good luck (bildt is like moderatea personified). Didnt know one could apply for ambassador jobs, thought u were appointed. Maybe there is still hope for me, especially if i learn chinese. Damn, speaking of chinese, this blog entry is just me procrastinating, i have to go study, but first i buy Kekoukele


Friday, October 06, 2006

Be careful of landslide

First Mistranslation of the blog. We found this in our shower, anyone care to think what they actually meant?
